We sell slate rippers, which are used to remove slates from an existing slate roof during repair or restoration. They can also be used to remove ceramic tiles, cedar shakes, and asbestos shingles.

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    Stortz 84A Slate Ripper

    Free Shipping (Alaska and Hawaii excluded) 

    The Stortz Model 84A Slate Ripper is the best all-around slate ripper. If you're going to own only one slate ripper, this is it - the professional’s choice!

    30.5 inches long; 3.5 pounds. The length from the bottom of the hook to the handle is 22". Overall blade length is 24 1/4".

    You cannot work on a slate roof without a slate ripper. It is an indispensable tool for removing individual slates or tiles. Slide the ripper under the slate to be removed, hook the nail, then beat on the ripper handle with a slate hammer to pull the nail out. It does not cut the nails: it pulls them out, then the old slate will slide out. There are usually 2 nails per slate. Once the old slate has been removed, a new one can be installed in its place with a nail and bib or with a slate hook.

    We also carry the heavy-duty 100A slate ripper.

    How to repair an asbestos shingle roof.

    How to repair a slate roof.

    Score: 5.0 (votes: 2)
    Reviews: 2
    • $135.00
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    Stortz 100-A Slate Ripper

    Free Shipping (Alaska and Hawaii excluded)

    The Stortz 100-A Slate Ripper has a reinforced handle to allow for harder hammer strikes. The extra weight in the handle sometimes allows for pulling out the nails with only a jerk of the arm and not a hammer strike. The length from the hook to the handle is 24 inches, which makes this the best ripper for the removal of longer slates. Thin mid-section is perfect for sliding under slates with no breakage. This is the strongest ripper on the market.

    *Blade Length: 25 1/2 inches
    *Overall Length: 32 inches
    *Handle Size: 1 inch diameter x 5 inches long
    *Weight: 4 pounds

    You cannot work on a slate roof without a slate ripper. It is an indispensable tool for removing individual slates or tiles. Slide the ripper under the slate to be removed, hook the nail, then beat on the ripper handle with a slate hammer to pull the nail out. It does not cut the nails; it pulls them out, then the old slate will slide out. There are usually two nails per slate. Once the old slate has been removed, a new one can be installed in its place with a nail and bib or with aslate hook.

    We also carry the standard 84A Slate Ripper.

    How to repair a slate roof. 

    How to repair an asbestos shingle roof.

    Score: 5.0 (votes: 1)
    Reviews: 1
    • $159.00

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