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Ratings and Reviews of Humanure Handbook 4th Ed.

Score: 5.00 (votes: 12)
Reviews: 12
Score: 5.00 (votes: 12)
Reviews: 12
Rating of votes (12)
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  • Iris Jones
    Jun 8, 2021, 08:12 PM
    When our septic system became flooded more than 10 years ago, our family of 8 went 48 hours without being able to flush. It was an experience that inspired me to find other alternatives to that little lever. I found Joseph Jenkins and The Humanure Handbook online. The next rainy season when the septic went out, I was almost ready. By the following year, what was potentially an emotionally scarring experience, was an absolute breeze. I believe that composting our humanure, could reverse so many problems and help Mother Nature start to heal the significant damage we've done and are still doing to this earth. As I'm currently preparing a university essay on humanure composting, I've noticed and realized that most of the scientific papers out there reference Joseph Jenkins' work. I'm super grateful for the depth, courage, and authenticity of his publications and his efforts to help humanity change. It has forever changed me.
  • Clifton Korslund
    May 30, 2021, 11:39 AM
    The humanure handbook is a good educational read but I could have done without the global warming propaganda book they sent along with it.

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