
Slate Roof Bible & Slate Roofs 1926


The Slate Roof Bible and the book Slate Roofs 1926 - buy them together discounted! Get a deal when you buy both books together! One for show and one for go. Regular price for both books is $74.00. Buy the combo and save $15.00! Get the Slate Roof Bible signed by the author for only $10.00 more.

Slate Roof Biblepublished June, 2016. Hardcover, full color, 374 pages, nearly 800 illustrationsISBN-13: 978-0964425828PDF E-Book | AmazonKindle Chelsea Green 

Slate Roofs 1926: published February, 2020. ISBN: 978-1-7336035-0-8. Amazon | Kindle | Chelsea Green

Jenkins climbed on his first slate roof in 1968, authored the first edition of The Slate Roof Bible in 1997, and published the second edition in 2003. Both editions received national awards. Now, a dozen years later, Jenkins is still very active in the slate roofing industry. The third edition of the book reflects more than a decade of additional experience being passed on to the reader by a man who is one of the foremost experts on slate roofs in the United States today. 

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Reviews: 1
  • $59.00
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The Slate Roof Bible and the book Slate Roofs 1926 - buy them together discounted! Get a deal when you buy both books in a bundle! One for show and one for go. Regular price for both books is $74.00. Buy the combo and save $15.00! Get the Slate Roof Bible signed by the author for only $10.00 more. 


"Jenkins effectively draws upon his many years of experience and expertise to provide a thoroughly 'user friendly' instruction manual regarding the craft of slate roof installation. Expanded sections include slate siding, eyebrow dormers, turrets, soldering, flashings, international slate, American slate history, slating styles, installation and repair tips, and trade secrets. 

Dozens of new color photographs have been added, as well as step-by-step illustrations and line drawings. Exceptionally well written, illustrated, organized and presented, 'The Slate Roof Bible: Everything You Need to Know About the World's Finest Roof' is especially recommended to the attention of architects, roofers, slate roof owners, architectural consultants, architectural history buffs, and anyone involved with the roofing industry. 

Professional, community, and academic libraries should consider this new third edition of "The Slate Roof Bible" to be an essential, core addition to their Architecture collections in general, and slate roofing supplemental studies reading lists in particular." Midwest Book Review, October 2016

Slate Roof Bible Table of Contents

Slate Roofs 1926 Table of Contents 

More about our awards. 

Listen to a radio interview with Joe Jenkins about slate roofs.

Listen to WISR Radio, Butler, PA, 2016, radio interview with Joe.


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    -Print Books, -Print Books with a Signed Slate Roof Bible
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  • Apr 1, 2023, 01:36 AM
    I have enjoyed reading and looking up various questions I've had.

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