
American Beauty 300-Watt Soldering Kit


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American Beauty Model PSK300 (lead free) and PSK300-PB (lead bearing) 300 Watt Electric Soldering Iron Professional Kit in a carrying case. 

Includes: 300 watt iron with heat shield stand, bar of solder (lead or lead-free depending on your selection), liquid flux, paste flux, bar of sal ammoniac, wire cleaning brush, wire scouring pad, allen wrench, flat cleaning pad, plastic flux squirting tube, instructions, heavy-duty carrying case.

American Beauty's professional soldering kits combine our work-horse soldering irons with every imaginable accessory required to help you produce the best solder joints, all in one rugged carrying case. The combination of intense heat and unmatched durability yields a heavy-duty iron that can proudly be called an American Beauty and makes a versatile tool in any maintenance and repair operation. Kit includes a light-weight stand. Ensure soldering iron has had adequate time to cool prior to returning to case.

Lead Free or Lead Bearing (Select Below)

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  • $385.00
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American Beauty Model PSK300 (lead free) and PSK300-PB (lead bearing) 300 Watt Electric Soldering Iron Professional Kit in a carrying case. 

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    • SKU
    • Weight
      11 lbs
  • Manufacturer
    American Beauty
  • Lead Solder or Lead Free
    PSK300-PB With Lead, PSK300 Lead Free
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