
Half-Hard Copper Coils & Sheets


The price and availability of copper fluctuate from day to day. Call for current pricing and availability.

16 oz. (.0216") and 20-ounce "half-hard" copper flashing rolls or flat sheets. This is solid construction-grade copper, not foil, not a copper alloy, not copper-coated metal. The 16-ounce weighs one pound per square foot. The 20-ounce copper weighs 20 ounces per square foot. 

No residential deliveries! Ships by tractor-trailer to commercial locations only!


11.75" [16-ounce weighs 0.98 lbs/lineal ft: 100 lineal feet  weighs 98 lbs.  
              100 l.f. of 20-ounce weighs 122.50 lbs]

11.875" [16-ounce weighs 0.99 lbs/lineal ft: 100 l.f. weighs 99 lbs.
                100 l.f. of 20-ounce weighs 123.75 lbs

15" [16-ounce weighs 1.25 lbs/ lineal ft: 100 lineal feet weighs 125 lbs.
        100 l.f. of 20-ounce weighs 156.25 lbs

18" [16-ounce weighs 1.50 lbs/ lineal ft:  100 lineal feet weighs 150 lbs.
         100 l.f. of 20-ounce weighs 187.50 lbs

20" [16-ounce weighs 1.67 lbs/ lineal ft: 100 lineal feet weighs 167 lbs. 
        100 l.f. of 20-ounce weighs 187.50 lbs

24" [16-Ounce weighs 2.0 lbs/ lineal ft: 100 lineal feet weighs 200 lbs.
        100 l.f. of 20-ounce weighs 250.00 lbs

We can also supply larger rolls and flat sheets. Call Joe or Gabe at 814-786-9085, or send us an email. The more weight you buy, the better deal you get.

Half-hard copper is tougher than soft copper and makes for good valley, gutter, and ridge material as well as a good all-around flashing material. Also good for bar counters, general construction, and about any other use where a tough copper sheet is needed.

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Call to Order! [814-786-9085]
16 oz. (.0216") and 20-ounce "half-hard" copper flashing rolls or flat sheets. This is solid construction-grade copper, not foil, not a copper alloy, not copper-coated metal. The 16-ounce weighs one pound per square foot. The 20-ounce weighs 20 ounces per square foot. 

Temper DesignationTensile Strength (Ksi)Yield Strength
(Ksi) Min.
060 Soft3038--
H00 Cold-Rolled 1/8 Hard324020
H01 Cold-Rolled,
high yield 1/4 Hard
H02 Half Hard374630
H03 Three quarter Hard415032
H04 Hard435235

    • SKU
    • Weight
      225 lbs
  • Manufacturer
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